Classic Toyota and Classic Kia are family owned, community minded stores. The owners and GMs are very involved in the community. It’s also a frugal client, always looking for ways to combine and maximize media. But, then, who isn’t?
The idea:
Develop a promotion around community advocacy that could work across all media platforms – traditional, digital, social
The agency created a Teacher of the Year promotion with monthly and yearly winners
- Two radio station partners
- Community nominations via internet and social
All three media worked together in perfect harmony, each amplifying the other.
- Likes, shares, and engagement escalated exponentially
- Listener response was so high that one station turned it into programming, conducting on-air nominations and winner interviews.
- Teachers were nominated even during a local teachers strike.
- BEST OF ALL – people went out of their way to let client know they bought because of this community effort.
A true cross platform multi-media effort
Not bad when the agency, in reality, only placed a $200k year-long radio schedule.
Increased Social engagement
YOY unit sales increase in flat market
$411,000 media value delivered for $200,000